Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We Have Furniture!

This morning the nice FMO guys came to the house and brought me furniture! Now we have nightstands, a second bed, dining furniture, and living room furniture! Callie has enjoyed exploring all the seats, and of course lying on the dining room table. The guys also took away 3 of our shrunks (wardrobes, Germans use these rather than having built-in closets) because we had 6, and we sure didn't need 6.

I haven't figured out this hard floor thing yet. I never realized how much carpet hides dust and small debris. I swept and swept this morning, and when I turned around there were little spots all over the floor again. I know we get extra cause the windows are kept open, and Chris and I track it around, but it just seems excessive!

Callie and I finished weeding the little front yard this morning. I checked out some gardening books, which I had plenty of time to read while Chris finished up at work. Then he took me back to the plant place! We bought quite a few more plants, and I've set them out in the yard where I want them so tomorrow I'll put them in the ground. Guess what I found growing wild in the front yard - shamrocks! I have my very own baby shammies. I also have a pretty coniferous tree who produces - pinecones! I know my parents are so jealous :-)

I went to the doctor today, boo. But he was quite good, I was impressed. So now I'm changing medicines, which will make me moody and grumpy. Look out Chris!

Chris made spaghetti for dinner this evening. It was very good, and he claims he can't cook. While he was cooking I met the family that lives across the street, the wife is so nice and friendly. Those are my favorite kind of people to meet. A lot of times when I talk to people they will tell me about a neat restaurant or place to go, and how to get there because directions are nuts around here. It's fun to learn what other people have found that they like.

Chris applied for his passport yesterday, yay! I checked out some more travel books on Germany today, it will be a few weeks till he gets the document. Of course, I could always hop over to France, Belgium, or Luxembourg without him, heehee. Oh, but I have to wait for my international driver's license, hold that thought. There's so many exciting places to go, it's hard to know where to start, even just in Germany! This weekend we may venture to a different IKEA, which is by Trier, the oldest city in Germany. It boasts lots of Roman ruins, apparently it was the second capital of the Roman empire. It's so amazing to explore and be in the places where all the history happened, all those stories we learned about in school seemed like they were in such a far away place, but we're actually here where it happened! I'm really interested in diving into my musical history, so much of Western music developed right here in Germany!

1 comment:

babyrollins said...

yea so my guest bed came?? you know for when i venture over!! :-)