Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boxes, Duck, and Hancock Oh My!

Today was a very long day. The movers arrived bright and early and filled our house with boxes of our belongings! We need more bookshelves, ours are overflowing and there's still more boxes of books! Thank goodness my stepladder came, there are several kitchen shelves and cabinets out of my reach but now I can put stuff there! The movers helped us unpack the boxes and they took the boxes and packing materials with them, there's no way we could take care of all that through city recycling! Now I'm wandering around the house moving things to where they belong.

After the movers moved on, Chris and I went to Kaiserslautern and got our international drivers licenses! I can drive anywhere I want now, and Chris still has to wait for his passport, mwahahah! We had lunch in town at a restaurant Chris wanted to try and it was awesome. How cool is it to sit outside at a little table watching people walk by while right across the street is a beautiful, ancient church?! We had no idea what the menu said and decided to try random stuff off the daily lunch special. Chris had delicious duck and I had a yummy vegetarian plate with rice and a cream sauce. We've decided to go there more often! Chris had a beer with lunch, when I walked into the restaurant (we ate outside) I found the big brewing containers. He was a little tipsy for a while, and we had lots of fun being silly!

On to some shopping, I found a Pfaff store! Alas, Pfaffs are awesome, and awesomely out of my price range. But I did find some great prints, I'll have to go back when I'm planning my next quilt. We checked out a new department store, and in the old one we found another floor we hadn't explored yet and it was cool! We learn a lot about German culture when we explore towns and stores.

After resting for a while, we ventured to base to see a 7:00 movie. I didn't check the schedule today, but I remembered that What Happens In Vegas was playing and we wanted to go see it. Apparently I remembered incorrectly because we ended up seeing Hancock, which I was pretty impressed with.

Now we're home, we've got all the furniture in place so I can continue putting stuff away tomorrow, and we're going to bed. Of course it's bedtime and our next door neighbors are pulling their usual of getting noisy about now. Why must they stand outside and talk in loud voices? I hear their kids, who are very young and should have been in bed hours ago, it's already 10:30. I'm taking notes for when I have my own brood. Speaking of crazy kids, we made the mistake of going to the commissary in the late afternoon on Sunday. There were so many screaming children! This one child in particular looked like his mother was dragging him, and all of the sudden he dropped to the floor. From where I was standing, it looked like the mother just let go and dropped him! Chris had seen it too, and reassured me that the child had jumped. I love kids, and I understand they get upset and throw tantrums, but lately I wish I had a mute button.

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