Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Planting a Flower Garden

Today I got to sleep in! It was great. I hear Chris getting ready now and then between 6:00-6:30am, and I hide from the noise under the quilt. I let Chris drive the car to work and keep it, while I had a Katie day!

After lazily waking up, Callie and I ventured outside to plant our flowers. I rearranged my layout a few times, and then dug in. I hacked away at the soil with my little trowel, which worked well for the smaller plants in the front. When I got to the second row, it became a little more difficult because of having to dig deeper and thicker tree and shrub roots. Apparently noticing this, my lovely little German neighbor across the street and to the left brought me a shovel to use! She was very sweet, and I was excited one of my German neighbors reached out to me. The hydrangeas were much easier to plant using the shovel. It's supposed to rain the next few days, so the moisture will be great for the flowers' little roots to get settled.

I was so dirty after playing in the soil! I haven't been that filthy since camp, and oddly enough I kind of missed it. But I enjoyed the available warm shower waiting for me, too.

Chris has been working sooo hard! He gets into the office around 6:45am, and it's already 6:15pm and he's still not home yet. He's really busy, but he loves it. He likes getting to work with people every day at the customer counter. I think I'm happy that he's not back in budget, every time I walk back there people are frustrated and speaking sternly to each other, I've never seen them happy or calm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are absolutely lovely!! Great job!!