Thursday, July 17, 2008

One Month in Germany

Today marks the one-month anniversary of our arrival in Germany. We've come a long way since then, thank goodness! I'll never forget our first meal, with squid in my pasta and hard-boiled eggs in Chris's calzone.

The son of the people who live in the other half of our duplex plays the drums. It was mentioned to me by his mom and another neighbor, but the practicing really doesn't bother me. He only plays once a day, if that, and for not more than an hour. I suppose I've become immune to noisy drums after being stuck in a little practice hallway with noisy snares. Today I decided to chime in, and I practiced my flute for awhile. I possibly practiced in the room right by our noisy, messy next door neighbors, with the window open and the shade down. I had to close Callie out of the room because she would not stop biting me and laying down on my music, how's that for a sign toward my music career.

I've never been the biggest fan of summer, mainly because it's hot, but I'm quite fond of summer in Germany. Every day the high is the 60s or 70s, and the rainy days are fresh rather than dreary. No wonder Europeans don't have air conditioning, it was only warm for 6 weeks at the end of May and through June. Our house stays nice and cool, thanks to keeping the shades closed when the sun is shining, and the lovely stones it is constructed from.

Chris found out the rest of our belongings are still floating on a ship in the Atlantic, they won't arrive in Germany until the end of this month. So then it will probably take a few weeks for our appointment for TMO to bring it out to our house, so it will be longer than we thought till we get our stuff. That's okay, it's easier to clean with less stuff :-)

Grocery shopping is fun, we have a nice assortment of American items, as well as random German items, along special US Forces items. I'm quite entertained by the milk cartons in particular, and while checking our eggs for a complete, uncracked set we sifted through soft little down feathers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you posted this a few days ago, but:

Happy One Month in Germany Anniversary!