Sunday, August 17, 2008

Two Months

I can't believe we moved here two whole months ago! It feels like it has been longer than that, but not in a bad way. We've just come so far since the day we arrived and had squid in my spaghetti.

This weekend there was a medieval festival in a big park in Kaiserslautern, so of course I convinced Chris to go! It was fun. Lots of people dressed in medieval costumes, camped out all over the park. There was food, renaissance music, old-fashioned trade displays, and all kinds of stuff! We saw sword fights, kids riding donkeys, lots of knight armor and mail, ironically lots of marijuana stuff too, Chris wouldn't let me purchase the marijuana incense. We did buy a beautiful stone for our memory bowl, and a wooden ax! It will be perfect for halloween, and we've been pretending to chop each other's limbs off with it all afternoon. I thought about getting a medieval costume so I could take my recorder and play in the street for music, but then I decided I would just make my own costume, it would be cheaper and more meaningful. Chris doesn't think I would really go play in the street. But why not? There are always musicians playing different kinds of music along the cobbled streets of Europe, I can do just as good as any of them! I always thought that would be fun. My favorite stand that we saw had lots of money coins that the craftsman was turning into pendants by carving out the coin designs with a very fine saw.

So this afternoon Chris decided he wanted to play Risk with me. I have warned him many times that people don't like to play Risk with me, and now he knows why. I conquered the entire world, I had every single country in every single continent in my control. Chris wasn't too impressed with my military tactics when we began, but I blew him out of the water! I suppose I roll the dice really, really well. Heehehe!

This week will be a nice, lazy week. I work from 10:30 to 3:30 every day except Thursday, which I have off. That will give me plenty of time to get the brake lights fixed, and find a sewing machine so I don't have to sew ten million little strips together by hand! The holes in my fingers from the first quilt are finally healing. Don't get me wrong though, I loved hand quilting that quilt, and it's so rewarding to sleep under it each night and make the bed in the morning and know that I made that quilt, design, construction and all.

Yesterday Chris and I found the most wonderful furniture store! It's called European Country Living, and had lots of large wood pieces and felt very Tuscan. We fell absolutely in love with a couch and matching chair, this may be our birthday and Christmas gifts to each other this year.

Brother Chris may be coming to Romania for his work, so Chris and I are starting to plan a Romanian excursion! Transylvania, Dracula, and the most scenic country in Eastern Europe, we're excited!

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