October in Germany is a little cold and rainy but the countryside is beautiful with trees turning all sorts of colors. Fall is my favorite season! We took a walk in our countryside and through our town today to explore and get some exercise. We like to walk through the fields, but when we came to a corn field we saw men in orange vests ringing cowbells. This did not make sense until we reached the other side of the field and saw the men with guns, then we realized that the orange vest guys were scaring birds for the gun guys to shoot. We hightailed it back to town after that. We meandered down streets with beautiful houses, some decorated for Halloween! We found the cemetery, which I loved and Chris was not terribly pleased to be in. It was so beautiful and peaceful, and the afternoon fall light was just perfect! We continued on and came across the church we drive by everyday so we explored the outside and enjoyed the pretty trees.
Chris made it through closeout! He gets Monday and Tuesday off for all of his hard work. The budget office and the customer service side keep fighting over him, he has no idea where he'll be. The only thing he can do is go where the highest ranking person tells him to go every day, and it's budget that usually wins because there's a captain in that office. We found out that he is going to Iraq, and he'll be at the posh base. That makes me feel a little better.
I did a little browsing at my favorite antique store on Tuesday and fell in love with a pine kitchen cabinet, which we ended up buying on Thursday with a super duper sale! This weekend is a holiday celebrating German Unification Day, on October 3, 1990 East and West Germany united. Our cabinet was delivered today, and Callie promptly climbed in it to explore.
I finally kneeled in the flower bed this evening and pulled some weeds and my annuals I planted in July. My next task is to get daffodil and tulip bulbs to plant for a festive spring!
In November we're going to spend a week in Bavaria! We will explore Munich, Innsbruck, Neuschwanstein castle, and the Alps! In December we will be visiting different cities in Germany to experience the Christmas Markets! I'm not ready for Christmas yet, but the BX sure is, Halloween stuff is long gone already and there's Christmas stuff everywhere. I haven't noticed this problem off base in Germany, the Germans must have a better grasp of reality and seasons. Let's get through Halloween before we do Christmas!