Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Place To Call Our Own

We found our home! It's a great duplex, the one I raved about in the last post ;-) We met with the landlord today (who thankfully is American so we can communicate clearly in English, and she's super nice) and worked on the contract. Here's some photos!

Today we had a long briefing about Ramstein information. Tomorrow we get to go on a tour of the Kaiserslautern area, we are part of the Kaiserslautern Military Community. We're so ready to have our drivers licenses and a car, it's hard to depend on people for rides so much. Particularly when everyone in Chris's office is too busy. My goal for new people coming in is to help them out with the transition and helping them know what they need to do - help that we did not easily or fully receive. But we're smart kids, we've figured it out. That doesn't mean I'm not frustrated! I'll be pleased when we move in next week and get our car, we plan to start shopping tomorrow. BMW, here we come! You can't live in Germany and not drive a manual BMW on the autobahn.

My Grandpa Dukie passed away over the weekend, and I'm sad I cannot be with my family right now. But I love them and they know I would be there if I could. I miss my grandpa already, it's hard to believe he won't be there when I return. He used to call friends on their birthdays and play "Happy Birthday" on the organ ;-) He was a great car salesman, so his wisdom will be with us as we search for the right car.

1 comment:

babyrollins said...

I love reading about your life and seeing all of your fun pictures... I am currently living through you since my summer is very boring and uneventful!

I am however sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'm sure that's hard. Just think he has a better view of you now! :-)